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Updated: Dec 24, 2020

Author: Uchenna Bede

A huge chunk of startups know nothing about what it takes to be successful with emails.

If this is you:

Your emails are far from perfect, and you don’t make your quota. Yet your competitors are doing it! The question is how? Right?

That’s exactly what you’re going to find out today.

Every successful business has in place systems to tackle the very problems that are limiting you. What’s heavy lifting to you, is light weight to these kind of businesses. There might be nothing wrong with your team, or your customers for that matter. You simply might not have installed the systems that work!

Email Copywriting and marketing as a whole has its rules of engagement. They’re super-easy to learn and produce the biggest return on investment in all of the internet.

It’s why; You tubers, Social Media Influencers, Thought leaders . . . Everyone basically, with something to sell, opts for email. If they don’t, they won’t be able to serve as many people as they could consistently and they won’t profit as much as they should.

People might get distracted watching your YouTube videos, or your Instagram and never come back but once you have them invested in your email you have them in a tight bubble alone and free to give them all the value in your arsenal.

So without further ado, what are these rules of engagement that are so crucial to success on the email landscape?

I’ll list them out here, so you can easily glance through them, before diving deep into it:

• Email Frequently.

• Email Casually VS Email Obnoxiously

• Email Personally.

Email Frequently:

Many startups will harbor doubts about this.

They believe that by frequently messaging their customers they are intruding and invading their privacy. But here’s a question: Why’d they join your list?

I’ll wait . . .


 To be sent valuable emails.

 To be on top of what’s happening with your brand

 And to buy from you.

And how else will you meet all these wants? If you send only a couple of emails a month --- trust me--- it’s really easy to disappear in this time and age. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you experiment it. . .

. . . subscribe to the email list of any industry titan of your choice. Say Amazon for instance and see what happens to your inbox! The big businesses know the importance of keeping in touch.

Email Casually VS Email Obnoxiously.

It was Robert Collier who said to ask yourself “How would you approach them in a conversation?”

And there’s no better way for me to go about explaining this bullet point to you. Understand them and let them feel your understanding in the manner you speak to them. Getting into their heads is a sure fire way to be casual.

Speaking obnoxiously; intruding, and being outright arrogant will never do well for you. I get it, you might have a lot of research and you are eager to show how much you know. It will get your email deleted.

What you want is to color their perception of you, make it the color of friendship. Speak, I keep saying speak, Write! With empathy and let them feel about you as they’ll feel about a pal.

Email Personally.

Robert Collier again said “Study your reader first . . . Your Product second.”

And it couldn’t have been any truer.

If you’re unable to connect with your readers on a personal level, it’s because you know nothing about them.

As a business owner you should work knowing that the people you call customers are more important than what you call product. Because when/if they change their tastes and preferences they will demand another product. It’s their right.

And they have the power to exercise that right to its fullest capabilities. It’s your duty and power to be able to anticipate these changes and make them work in your favor.

NB: When you email, actually know whom you’re emailing. At least their first name!

So rule of engagement number 3; email personally, know your customers.

 Further reflections on why your competition is crushing it and you’re not.

You might be delivering value without relevance: Do your best to relate your message to your reader, happenings in the world, and perceived facts about the next step of your industry.

You might not be giving the right information: “People don’t buy things for what they are. They buy them for what they do.” ---Dan Kennedy, Ultimate Sales Letter. Your product has amazing features. That’s awesome. What will it do for its users?

You’re afraid to deprecate from time to time: Remember the saying “If it’s too good to be true it probably is.” Reveal your products faults and you will gain credibility in the eyes of your readership. Although stay clear of self-sabotage.

You’re ignorant of the power of plain text emails E-zines aren’t always the best.

You don’t fulfill headline promises in the body copy.

You don’t write with enough white space.

Final Prose:

These are from my experience some of the reasons why you might be struggling with your email marketing. But I will acknowledge the wall between us; this computer screen. I don’t know your unique situation or your goals and I can’t do more than I have tried to do in this blogpost. But you can!

If you take this information as a guide, and look deep within yourself I know you will find the answer you’re looking for. You’re going to crush it, more than your competition as a result and you’re going to be amazed. It’s a promise.

But if you aren’t going to pick up the mantle here and begin writing better email copy, I’m forced to ask. Don’t you WANT to SUCCEED at email marketing?

If you DO then I know the only thing stopping you is, you want the touch of an expert and have amazing results right away. In which case I want you to follow these three simple steps to get in touch with me.

o Send an email to

o Say “Hi Bede. I’m interested in your email copywriting service. Let’s talk.”

o And you and I will, quite easily, discuss what the next step is for both of us.

See you then.


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As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. To get a better sense of my work, please feel free to explore my official Copywriter Portfolio.

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