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Stories by Writing_David

Official Copywriter Portfolio

  • Writer's pictureWriting_David

How To Be a Loser

You! Yeah, so you really want to be a loser? Well, who is a loser really? I believe it is one who does not meet up to a certain standard at a certain situation; or to put it straight, “someone seen to have failed.” At least, that is what the society defines it as. But you see; Steve Jobs was a loser, Thomas Edison, JK Rowling, Michael Adenuga, were all losers, you are probably a loser and so am I.

Do not get it wrong, this is not some tough motivational talk; maybe it is, I do not know. But it is important we learn something today I think. Society calls a loser; someone who is depressed, someone who made a mistake, someone who did not pass a test in school, someone not wealthy enough (the poor are even worse off)... Oh it doesn’t end here really.

Now let’s say you get to overcome your demons, you are still a loser. Now, you’re no longer depressed, you are proud, you are no longer poor, you’re stingy or tight handed, you no longer fail, you are a show off.

Then you ask yourself, Am I a loser? If all these is what it takes to be a loser in our society, then I rather be one.

Hey! What is important to learn is that people are always going to talk. People are always going to throw some acerbic punches or if you like; gossip about you. In fact they would do it like there were an award each year for the most treacherous person.

So if being a loser means failing and rising up to the challenge I think we should aspire towards it then. But chill! This does not mean we go around letting everyone see us in a very pitiful way; making everyone feel we are heartbroken and cannot recover which sometimes turn out to be the case. Showing off your misfortunes makes you a real loser. That is not we agreed on. Do the best you can, when you fail try to rise up and when you succeed do not let anyone slow you down, success is a progressive action to be honest.

Lastly, do not hate everyone because you assume you were so alone and achieved success alone. When you do that you end up being the biggest loser, and this time it isn’t cool anymore.

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As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. To get a better sense of my work, please feel free to explore my official Copywriter Portfolio.

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